Vignette for motorways from Hungary

Vignette info

Select the validity period below the vignette type, then fill in the following fields

Fields marked with (*) are mandatory

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Insert just uppercase letters and numbers, without special characters.
The country where the vehicle is registered
Vignette validity start date

*Exchange Rate 1 RON = 76.59 HUF

Billing Info

Select whether you are a legal entity or an individual, then fill in the rest of the fields.
Please use a valid e-mail address. Vignette purchase confirmation e-mail will be send to this address.

Insert numbers, without special characters. website is operated by official reseller partner of the Nemzeti Mobilfizetési Zrt. in the sale of online highway vignette (e-vignette) in Hungary. On our website, you can only buy an e-vignette, i.e. a highway toll vignette valid only in Hungary.

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